Oct. 04, 2020
United in Our Differentness
Ephesians 4:7-16
From the passage:
A. Each of us has been given a grace/gift…
… but each of us has been given a different gift.
B. The focus of spiritual gifts on serving more than gifting.
C. God’s plan for unity is not predicated on everyone being the same, but on everyone being different!
D. We experience unity when we serve each other.
E. Unity produces maturity; growing in faith is a group effort.
F. Your differentness (gift) is not for you, but for the church.
1. We need to be united in our differentness by our differences.
2. We need to be about including and not excluding.
3. We need to celebrate our uniqueness…
… while realizing it is a gift to others.
4. We need to be intentional about serving others!
5. We need to commit to connectedness.