Storyboards: The Story of the Invisible Woman



Aug. 06, 2023

The Story of the Invisible Woman
 Mark 5:21-24

1. What do we learn about the woman?

A. Her life has not gone as she had hoped for or planned.

B. She had done what she could to fix things, but to no avail.

C. She had faced a long series of setbacks and disappointments.

D. Things had gone from bad to worse.

E. She was suffering.


2. What can we assume about her?

A. She was frustrated, and maybe worse.

B. She was exhausted.

C. She was isolated—and invisible.

D. She needed to be seen.


3. What happened to her?

A. Jesus noticed her / saw her.

B. Jesus affirmed her.

C. Jesus commended her.

D. Jesus healed her—not just her body.


4. What do you need to happen to you?

storylines prompt:
Write about a situation that you have experienced or observed in your own life where love was lacking.  Rewrite the story as to how it could have / should have been if love had been shown.

 Sermon Resource Guide