Soul Talk



Mar. 03, 2019

Soul Talk

We spend so much time listening to ourselves, but rarely do we ever talk to ourselves. The Bible records several places where a writer talks to his soul.

Psalm 42

The Process

1. Awareness: How is it with my soul today?

2. Asking: Why might it be this way?

3. ???

4. Action: What soul practice can I incorporate?

The missing piece? Soul Talk: What do I need to tell my soul?

Soul Talk

1. We all talk to ourselves - but really don't pay too much attention.

2. Even though these conversations often dictate how we feel and act.

3. And we miss the opportunity to bring life / health to our souls.

An example:

Ps. 42

1. How was it with his soul?

     - He was spiritually dry, emotionally spent and relationally disconnected.

     - In summary - he was downcast and disturbed.

2. Why?

     - Because he had lost focus, and as a result lost hope (and soul health).

3. What action did he take?

     - Told his soul to hope in God.

     - Chose to praise God.