R and R



Jan. 20, 2019

R and R

Man was created with physical limitations and must rest--yet we find that so hard to do sometimes.

Exodus 20:8-11

So, how is it with your soul today?

1. God took a Sabbath (Genesis 2:2,3)

 - The world was created with a rhythm of rest.

 - We need to recognize that we are rest-based creatures.

2. God's people (and animals) are to take Sabbaths (Exodus 20:8-11)

 - We are to remember it.

 - We are to keep it holy.

 - It's for everyone.

 - It's a special day of blessing.

 - It's an expression of trust! 

3. God's creation was to be given a Sabbath (Leviticus 25:1-5)

 - Adequate and intentional rest increases productivity.

4. God's Son observed the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-27)

 - Folowing Jesus should involve experiencing rest.

Observing the Sabbath

1. Schedule it.

2. Stop whatever you are doing.

3. Rest.

4. Sanctify the day.

5. Celebrate.