Jul. 30, 2023
The Love Poem
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
1. Why love is better (and what it is better than)
2. What love is (and isn’t)
Is… Is not...
A. Patient A. Envious
B. Kind B. Boastful
C. Rejoices C. Proud
D. Protective D. Dishonoring
E. Trusting E. Self-seeking
F. Hopeful F. Easily angered
G. Persevering G. Aware of the score
3. What love does (or how it shows)
A. Love is not a feeling.
B. Love is not an action.
C. Love is a posture.
D. Love is a motive.
E. Love is an initiative.
F. Love is a fruit of the Spirit.
storylines prompt:
Write about a situation that you have experienced or observed in your own life where love was lacking. Rewrite the story as to how it could have / should have been if love had been shown.