First Priority



Aug. 22, 2021

Matthew 6:25-34

Pastor William Parker, Jr.
New Springfield Missionary Baptist Church

1. Understand That Worry Won’t Change Anything

  1. Not only does worry not change anything; it also adds unnecessary stress to our day.
  2. Materialism (worldliness and possessions) can enslave a person to such a degree that it dominates his life.
  3. The basic problem of man is setting priorities and determining what is to be first in his life.  The first priority of every man should be to take care of his life – eternally.
  4. Do not worry:   think about your stature and learn to trust God.  Do not concentrate your mind and heart and effort on the world.

2. Learn to Live “One Day At A Time”

  1. Jesus mentions that there is enough trouble for each day and we should therefore focus on living each day as it comes, without worrying about tomorrow.
  2. Planning for tomorrow is time well spent.  Worrying about tomorrow is time wasted.

3. Believe That God Will Take Care of Our Needs

  1. God not only knows our needs, He is more than able to take care of them!  We are much more valuable to Him that birds or flowers!
  2. The believer has a Heavenly Father who knows his needs.
    1. He knows the promises of God and the glorious hope of eternal life.
    2. He has God and His presence in this world.
    3. He is not a stranger and foreigner to God, but a fellow citizen with the saints of God’s household.

4. Seek God First

  1. This attitude helps us place our hearts on loving God more than having our material needs met.
  2. By following the advice of Jesus, we can win the battle over worry.  Faith in Him will sustain us in every challenge we face.
  3. God will work all things out for good, for the believer loves God and has been called by God (Romans 8:28).
  4. God will see to it that the necessities of life are provided for him.
  5. The believer is not to be preoccupied with tomorrow and its affairs.  He is to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness today and leave tomorrow and its needs in God’s hands.  


Don’t Let The Worries of Tomorrow Hinder Your Expectancy in God Today!