First Five / Final Five:
-Take the first five minutes of each day to READ God's Word, and the final five minutes of your day to REFLECT on God's Work in your life.
The Big Idea:
- In your own words, how would you summarize the main idea of the message?
From the message:
- How has following Jesus made your life easier? Or has it made life harder? How has it made your life better?
- What is a storm you are in right now? How has it been affecting you? Your relationships? Your faith?
- Do you consider yourself to be more like Peter or more like the men on the boat? Or both? How bold are you in your faith?
From Scripture:
- The Greek word for worshipped has the idea of bowing prostrate. While it is possible the disciples fell to the floor of the boat, the more likely interpretation refers to their heart response. What does worship look like for us today?
Think it through / Talk it over:
- What is the biggest spiritual risk that you have ever taken? What happened?
- What does it look like when we get spiritually comfortable or try to play our faith safely? How can we overcome this condition?
- Can you give an example of a time when a problem became a positive or at least an opportunity for growth?
Take a Step:
-Truth transforms us only as we take action. What is that one step you need to take?
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