Look what's happening at Waterford Community Church
Please join us at one of the following upcoming events.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
3900 Airport Road Waterford , MI 48329
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect. There is hope for your marriage. Couples have seen their marriages transformed in spite of infidelity, apathy, conflict, divorce, and other marital issues.
Contact the office for mor
Worship Night
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
3900 Airport Road Waterford , MI 48329
An evening of acoustic worship in the cafe area. Chris Knuth and our previous Worship director Chris Rulen will be leading a time of gratitude, contemplation and adoration. All are welcome.
Winter Retreat
1:00 PM - 1:10 PM
1798 Shear Lake Rd Ste 159 Fairview, MI 48621
Middle School/High School Winter Retreat at Camp Barakel. January 31-February 2.
Ladies Bible Study: Revelation
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
3900 Airport Road Waterford , MI 48329
A new 10-session Ladies Bible Study meets on Tuesdays 9:30-11:30am, beginning February 4:Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin. Books cost $25 (includes video access). Childcare provided; please register your child by contacting Dianne Workman at 248-620-6515 or dianneworkman
Souper Bowl Sunday
12:15 PM - 2:55 PM
3900 Airport Road Waterford , MI 48329
Join us for a meal after service and before the big game. bring a dish to pass or just bring your appetite. Sign up to bring a soup, salad, bread or dessert at the welcome center.
Parents Date Night
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
3900 Airport Road Waterford , MI 48329
Need a date night with your spouse on Valentines Day but don't know what to do with your children? WCC Student Ministries is here to help! Adult leaders with the help of the youth group will watch and entertain you children for 3 whole hours! Children will enjoy games in the gym, macaroni and cheese dinn