The Book of Upside Down: Turning Celebrity-ism Upside Down



Feb. 26, 2023

Turning Celebrity-ism Upside Down
 2 Corinthians 11,12

Paul’s Credentials: 

1. I have been through many hardships.

2. I have definite weaknesses.

3. I have not asked you for financial help.

4. I have had some unique personal spiritual experiences. 

5. I have demonstrated spiritual gifts.

6. I have loved you and been loyal to you.

7. I have promoted truth.

8. I have only been about Jesus.

Advocating for Paul: 

1. Don’t put Paul in a position where he has to speak for himself.

2. Be ok with the fact that Paul has weaknesses.

3. Remember—critical attitudes are not helpful, but helpful
 attitudes are critical.

4. Don’t expect Paul to deal with everything.

5. Don’t be sucked in by the celebrity-ism of our culture.


storylines prompt:

Write about the person who has made the biggest difference in your life spiritually?  Talk about the different ways that he or she has made an impact on you and why?  Would you consider that person a celebrity?

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